
2024-05-24: I’m phasing out my account for various reasons. Follow me alternatively at …

2023-12-29: Well, this explains why cross-posting through is not working anymore 😀 Gotta trim my …

2023-11-13: Enough with the baby steps! Let’s make accessibility leaps. (My rejected axe-con submission.) This was my submission for axe-con 2024 which unfortunately did not make it to the conference. Let …

2023-11-03: With ARIA and JavaScript, you can make any code “accessible” if your definition is “mapped somewhat …

2023-10-28: Read my latest newsletter:…

2023-10-28: Writing on my newsletter today. Sign up here to not miss a beat. (It contains accessibility industry …

2023-10-27: Web accessibility used to be “the Wild West” but incredibly fun and engaging. Now it is …

2023-10-25: Accessibility in the real world This is a repost of a Twitter thread from August 2022. Slightly edited in format and for clarity. …

2023-07-23: Quick guidance for referring to (parts of) HTML elements You always need to be very clear in what you mean. Otherwise, it is hard to read for your audience. …

2023-03-15: Happy Ted Lasso Day! 📺

2023-03-11: I started watching the third season of Happy Valley, and darn is that an intense show. Very hard to …

2023-03-09: Publishing your accessibility resources as PDFs actively excludes people. “Accessible PDFs” are not …

2023-03-08: Morning thought of the day: The German word for parasol is Sonnenschirm (“sun umbrella”), why does …

2023-02-25: What an amazing Formula E race! António Félix Da Costa had an excellent overtake at the end for the …

2023-02-25: Sometimes I think about how much of Africa is in the similar time zones as Europe, but how little …

2023-02-25: What an excellent pole position qualifying lap from Sacha Fenestraz in the South Africa GP. A …

2023-02-21: Shall I move the B key to the left side of my split keyboard or should I train myself to use the …

2023-02-18: Looks like Microsoft rated 2.4.11 Focus Appearance similarly low as I did in my blog post: …

2023-02-18: So, last few days with a TouchBar MacBook Pro. Such a potential. I’ll miss it.

2023-02-16: Shawn Murphy with two magical Snooker frames. First a 145 and then a Maximum of 147 points. …

2023-02-10: Adidas will have 1.2 billion Euros less revenue this year because of ending the Kanye West …

2023-02-08: Posting this again for no reason at all.…

2023-02-04: Fun fact: I saw Tom Ford in a semi final live once before: At the 2005 Swiss Open in Zofingen. …

2023-02-04: Watching some World Pool Championship on YouTube and as a Snooker fan, it feels incredibly boring to …

2023-02-03: I changed the rating of 2.5.8 Target Size (Minimum) to 12 (from 15) as I have read through more of …

2023-02-02: Jimmy White is ON FIRE today! 🎱🔴

2023-02-02: People: “I hate all these cookie banners and stuff when I visit websites! Down with the banners!” …

2023-02-01: AccessiBLEU? Bundesfachstelle Barrierefreiheit: Die EU richtet ein neues Zentrum für Barriereheiheit ein! Das …

2023-02-01: Found those two images from Hamburg’s Chilehaus in my photo library today and I still love how they …

2023-01-31: Super interesting statistics on activated accessibility features from APPT: 1 of 5000 people uses …

2023-01-30: I know a lot of people like the buy-and-upgrade cycle for software, but honestly, I find it super …

2023-01-29: Julien Leclerq is like 7 meters tall! I enjoy the Snooker Shootout today!

2023-01-28: Me: I don’t want to think about new WCAG Success Criteria anymore. Also me: Maybe I can make a blog …

2023-01-26: Counting the seconds until we’ll see <button role="strong"> or some such nonsense… …

2023-01-26: Why does the ARIA Practices Guide have such bad guidance? Never use menubars unless it is a menu …

2023-01-25: Why do some accessibility advocates insist that not having information at all is somehow better than …

2023-01-25: Silicon Valley conspiracy theories might just be capitalism Theories abound that Silicon Valley executives got together to slash jobs. Or that a cabal of hedge …

2023-01-24: So far, I have no public speaking engagements lined up for 2023, and I am quite happy with that. …

2023-01-24: What is the magic incantation that I can do to prevent the VoiceOver cursor becoming out of sync …

2023-01-22: Person 1: “Let’s make something fun on the web!“ Person 2: “Here are 17 ways to overthink this and …

2023-01-22: Sigh. My self-hosted SimpleID OpenID authentificator broke (Server Error 500). Installing anew also …

2023-01-22: My blog and website uses a new font! Headings are a little more expressive (understatement!), but …

2023-01-22: Are you an accessibility person? Do you have a website? Join the web ring! (Thanks …

2023-01-20: I really have to stop going to the hot take factory to “check what’s going on”. It’s not needed.

2023-01-20: Lots of web accessibility companies promote their tools and some clients think tooling will solve …

2023-01-18: Ah, with the wind changing directions and cold temperatures, everything smells of burnt wood once …

2023-01-16: Can anyone explain to me why WCAG WG thought it would be a good idea to have 1.2.1 Audio-only and …

2023-01-14: 🏎️⚡️ Formula E Qualifying starting in a few minutes. Roster looks good and the free practice showed …

2023-01-14: Illustrations with flexbox Data-informed flex-grow for illustration purposes This week, I added a bit of page count-based …

2023-01-13: I’m so looking forward to the first Formula E race tomorrow. New car, new drivers, new teams. First …

2023-01-13: Even if a font claims to be “hyper” legible or “for dyslexic people”, actual user testing does not …

2023-01-08: One of the interesting aspects of being burned out is that you cannot really appreciate or draw …

2023-01-05: Expertise is not to know everything. It is to know what is important. It is to know where to look up …

2023-01-05: After a few weeks off the new keyboard, I have switched back to QWERTY from Colemak. It is still an …

2023-01-04: Marco Arment explains how much of the Web is terribly over-engineered in the latest installment of …

2023-01-04: One of the nice things I have my students do is to watch one of my favorite talks and write a blog …

2023-01-03: Tiny console is tiny!

2023-01-03: I’d like to sell some one-off remote consulting hours and would like for people to just be able to …

2023-01-02: Pedestrian friendly cities must, of course, also be accessible to disabled people. Accessible …

2023-01-01: I’m super envious that there are awards for accessibility in video games but not really for …

2023-01-01: Happy new year, microblog and Mastodon peeps!

2022-12-29: Accessibility people: “Consistency is of the utmost importance!” Also, accessibility people: 🤷‍♂️ …

2022-12-29: W3C membership & inflation It’s very interesting that a full W3C membership cost $50k/year in 1995 while it currently costs a …

2022-12-25: New Doctor Who Teaser Trailer is Chef’s Kiss…

2022-12-25: I don’t know if these “hyper links” will catch on!…

2022-12-24: Quick reminder, because family dynamics can be tough during this time of year: Not visiting family …

2022-12-22: I always thought that 4000 Twitter followers is some pseudo-magical number for me, reachable but …

2022-12-22: <vacation type=“christmas”>

2022-12-21: This is awesome: An inclusive D&D kit (not widely/commercially available) …

2022-12-19: “Hi Eric, how’s your December going?” — “Let me put it this way: It’s December 19th and I’m opening …

2022-12-19: Apparently I was way too optimistic for 2022. I won’t do the same for 2023. 🙂

2022-12-17: The Do No Harm Guide: Centering Accessibility in Data Visualization report looks like an amazing …

2022-12-16: Wow, looks like W3C and MIT are botching the transition to the US nonprofit. It really worries me …

2022-12-16: Maybe Space Karen is just annoyed that the Streisand effect is not named after him… How would you …

2022-12-15: Reconsidering a lot of my choices where to spend my online time these days.

2022-12-15: The chances of WCAG 3 to ever happen (like this) are maybe 50%. The whole structure is overly …

2022-12-15: So many accessibility companies start to promote tooling over education. This makes it seem like …

2022-12-13: I generally like German keyboards, but having the y and x keys next to each other means that I typed …

2022-12-13: W3C Accessibility Maturity Model I did not manage to read this yet, but there is this W3C Accessibility Maturity Model document at …

2022-12-12: Ben Mertens giving O’Sullivan a good fight, even if O’Sullivan has not been on the top of his game …

2022-12-12: Looks like fun additional Shortcuts support is coming to Things 3 says @HeyScottyJ on Twitter …

2022-12-12: Turns out following a lot of people who are on Mastodon instances through my account was …

2022-12-10: Reminder that today is the last pre-order day for There’s no excuse to …

2022-12-10: I really wished GitHub would allow to stop notifications from all repositories of an organization. …

2022-12-09: It’s almost 2023, the distinction between inline and block elements hasn’t existed as such for a …

2022-12-08: I often think about how we asked people for a long time after WCAG 2.0 was released to not read the …

2022-12-08: If you have not been warned, you might not have Cell Broadcast enabled on your phone. On iPhone I …

2022-12-08: Perfect Warning Day over here. Cell Broadcast is really loud. And I got a message in German and …

2022-12-06: Accessibility reviews are not there to bully people into using HTML best practices.

2022-12-06: I’m really glad we now have all these advanced web technologies. Back in the day we only had …

2022-12-05: Mapping 4.1.1 to other Success Criteria The 411 on 4.1.1 — Adrian Roselli There is a non-zero chance that WCAG Success Criterion 4.1.1 …

2022-12-04: I didn’t manage my stress levels for a few weeks and basically felt unwell the whole weekend. I …

2022-12-04: Such an exciting Snooker Scottish Open final. One of the two lads will win his first title today, …

2022-12-04: You gotta love how stories like this are written as if the collision was the train’s fault, not the …

2022-12-03: It‘s “International Day of People with Disabilities where companies claim they care but then post to …

2022-12-02: Did I just learn about the W3C CEO leaving in an application to the Advisory Board? I would have …

2022-12-01: Apple’s latest accessibility features promo video is on point. Great use of Audio Description, too! …

2022-11-30: With Blue Beanie Day, the silly season is full in swing. This morning I talked about 2 hours about …

2022-11-30: Well, at least Space Karen is dismanteling the myth that people, who are successful in the …

2022-11-29: As a computer person, I’m annoyed that “the algorithm” became synonymous with something that …

2022-11-28: Accessibility Folx, someone might email you and ask you to sign this petition: …

2022-11-27: Now that we know who is the best Tom, if an accessibility conference wants to sponsor a competition …

2022-11-27: I really wanted to make a commitment to Microblogvember, but fell off the horse (methaphorically, of …

2022-11-26: People shaming others who (try to) care about accessibility must be one of the most damaging things …

2022-11-26: Because I can’t travel, I asked to teach my class in Graz and he is – …

2022-11-25: Just imagine… Lanyrd, but based on ActivityPub! Mention @xyz@lany-dot-rd to talk about a session. …

2022-11-25: Take worries and fears seriously, seriously A few people wear yellow vests and complain about high fossil fuel prices. We have to take the …

2022-11-25: I got my Moonlander Keyboard a few days ago and am not working on my Colemak DHm keyboard layout …

2022-11-23: Why are people saying “oh, we have to look at the intention behind WCAG guidelines” even if things …

2022-11-23: German football team: 🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢

2022-11-23: Webbed Briefs: What Happened To Text Inputs? Heydon ( with a great video, …

2022-11-23: Happy Doctor Who Day everyone! 59 years!

2022-11-22: It’s a great time to get into accessibility: Sara Soueidan’s Practial Accessibility Course is 25% …

2022-11-21: Matches like this have made me a snooker fan. 30 minutes of pure tension without potting barely any …

2022-11-21: The Everything Bagel @jean on what makes special (emphasis mine): Like the Everything …

2022-11-20: aria-readonly is basically not a thing, via

2022-11-20: Wow, didn’t expect Mark Allen to win those four frames before the mid-session to equal the scores. …

2022-11-20: Ding Junhui plays some very good snooker in this UK Championship final, but it is clear that Mark …

2022-11-20: Today is 🏳️‍⚧️ Transgender Day of Remembrance. Trans rights are human rights. Everyone deserves the …

2022-11-20: I’m importing my new keyboard as a company so I can claim it as a business expense. Talked to …

2022-11-20: It’s funny how free speech people have no idea how free speech works. Especially that it is some …

2022-11-19: Discovery+ signup (in German) “Pick Gender – Pick your favorite gender – male, female, other, rather …

2022-11-19: Oh wow, and apparently the Eurosport customer service has already honored my special cancellation …

2022-11-19: As I’m watching excellent snooker on Eurosport Player, I’m livid that they force me to get a …

2022-11-19: Last week I changed the tyre (well, the inner tube) of my bike, this week, I’m tired. It’s almost a …

2022-11-18: We have a new Doctor Who companion! Millie Gibson is the new Doctor Who companion, Ruby Sunday

2022-11-18: I wanted to get a lot of things done today… and then I felt unwell and did nothing. Meh. 😩

2022-11-18: This is fine…

2022-11-18: Fun fact: The state I live in has one of the world’s largest wine barrels. …

2022-11-17: ‘Command-K Bars’ as a Modern Interface Pattern - MacStories I think Apple should …

2022-11-17: Just realizing how much (and by extension my friends in the Mastodon Fediverse) is …

2022-11-17: Impressive accessible drag and drop implementation by Adobe Taming the dragon: Accessible drag and drop – React Spectrum Blog We are excited to announce the …

2022-11-16: So, I argue for 10 years for WCAG to modernize, and once I have enough of the constant pushback and …

2022-11-14: Excellent guide on joining Mastodon by — I immediately linked to it from my …

2022-11-14: Shaming people who leave a toxic place because the new place is not 100% non-toxic is a weird flex …

2022-11-13: Looking forward to my split keyboard, I think I did not realize how bad my posture was until after I …

2022-11-13: Twitter was never forever I really don’t want to talk about Twitter’s demise, but part of my grieving process seems to be to …

2022-11-12: I wished there was a way to view only the timeline. Mastodon folks are many and chatty. I …

2022-11-12: It’s now 10½ months since I set foot into a supermarket or other store (apart from two very short …

2022-11-12: A humane guide to Mastodon ⸻ Looks like a good summary.

2022-11-12: It’s fascinating to see how much of a commodity the Internet/Web is to many people that they don’t …

2022-11-11: Musk will be super miffed when he realizes that WeWork got a whole TV show while his time at Twitter …

2022-11-11: It’s nice to have Mythic Quest back. Such a good show.

2022-11-11: Whenever I follow new people it feels like adding another Pokémon to my Pokédex. It’s fun and I love …

2022-11-11: This video literally (well, almost) how I got my “yatil” nickname: “y a-t-il” means “Is there?” in …

2022-11-11: Oh, I didn’t realize you could stream the Snooker UK Championship “Judgement Days” on Youtube. I …

2022-11-10: Today I learned that there is a free international standard on how to construct alternative text: …

2022-11-10: 📚 The Patrios Network by Antony Johnston is on sale I thoroughly enjoyed’s book as written here previously, and now it …

2022-11-10: Apparently it is “cutting down trees the whole day week” in our neighborhood. After it triggered a …

2022-11-09: Bumper video about stroads from

2022-11-09: I’m certain that “Web Accessibility Overlay Tools” do not work. They just can’t fix coding and …

2022-11-09: Waiting for my new keyboard… I never had a fancy keyboard. 😨

2022-11-09: I think I fell in love with the Moonlander mechanical keyboard today. I never had an ergonomic …

2022-11-09: Oh wow, the new Porsche Formula E car looks stunning. Red and black livery and the triangle shape of …

2022-11-08: Lots of people refer to different Mastodon instances as “silos” in contrast to Twitter where there …

2022-11-08: Finished the working day, now hoping the best for that election that is going on… 😩

2022-11-08: One of the best investments of this year must be the seat heating for my office chair. No room …

2022-11-08: I like that is so much simpler than Mastodon and your posts can breath. No follower …

2022-11-08: I have worked in a consensus-based organization (W3C) and I can tell you that it is not easy that …

2022-11-07: The worst performing fonts for the dyslexic group were the ones that were ‘designed’ for …

2022-11-07: I recently gained the insight on why I don’t read a lot. When I start a book, and I like it, it must …

2022-11-07: Wow, the timeline here on (to which I added a lot of Mastodonians) fills quicker this …

2022-11-06: This was a tough post to write, thinking about the loss I – and certainly many others – feel about …

2022-11-06: 2021: Tim Berners-Lee sells web source code NFT for $5.4m (“profits would go towards causes chosen” …

2022-11-06: “Oh no! I forgot to make a post with the prompt form November 4, ‘exempt’, for the …

2022-11-05: OK, this is fun and are exchanging direct …

2022-11-05: “Accessibility ‘Gaps’ in MVPs” 412 words on the long frustration of being lied to over and over by …

2022-11-05: The solution to Twitter’s problems is not another Twitter. That can’t work. A new, closed app is …

2022-11-05: It says a lot that people look at Mastodon (or other fedi apps) and say “this does not 1:1 work like …

2022-11-05: If you ever wondered why WCAG is sometimes laughably terrible, then look no further to this comment …

2022-11-04: My bike and its inner tube (follow-up) 🚴 Today I think I repaired my front bike inner tube properly. I got a bike holder to put my bike on …

2022-11-04: I’ve got a huge admiration for the Twitter Accessibility Engineering team, all of whom have been let …

2022-11-04: Waves over to @tink!

2022-11-04: It’s kinda cool that my bank is on the Fediverse:

2022-11-04: It’s impossible to teach people ”In this SC, it says thing A but if you look somewhere else, it …

2022-11-04: They want “Understanding” documents to be “Well, actually” documents that re-interpret the SC. I …

2022-11-04: So annoyed with WCAG 2 at the moment. Suggestions for updates/clarifications are just ignored, the …

2022-11-04: When I got my driving license at 18 it meant freedom to get out of the small town I lived in, being …

2022-11-02: Eurosport is closing the Eurosport Player app on Apple TV. That’s annoying because it is the primary …

2022-11-02: “Feast” is a tough word to write something about, but that is what @challenges asked us to do. So I …

2022-11-01: Had to figure out today how to fix my front bicycle inner tube. I thought it went well, but once I …

2022-11-01: Finished reading: The Patrios Network by Antony Johnston 📚 In his latest book, Antony not only works …

2022-10-31: We made vegan Fondue for Halloween. Upside: Vegan Fondue. Downside: Everything now smells like …

2022-10-31: Robert,, has excellent guides for orientation for users with …

2022-10-31: Remember when Twitter was inaccessible and you had to use specific clients to interact with it? …

2022-10-30: A Guide to For People Who Have A Love/Hate Relationship With Twitter - Jean MacDonald …

2022-10-30: German Liberals want fracking which would release incredible amounts of CO2 and dampen the progress …

2022-10-30: Reading The Patrios Network by Antony Johnston 📚 and drinking coffee on the balcony.

2022-10-30: Finding people you follow on Twitter in the Fediverse Use this handy tool by to find users in the Fediverse that you follow on Twitter: I …

2022-10-30: Started reading: The Patrios Network by Antony Johnston 📚

2022-10-29: Fake tweet generator I love how none of these “AI generated” tweets sound like anything I would tweet: If 75% of your …

2022-10-29: I’m looking forward to Microblogvember!

2022-10-29: I really wished people would spend more time on their gardens compared to mowing lawns. Nonstop …

2022-10-29: There seems to be the misconception that Twitter is the community. But it is not. It is just the …

2022-10-28: I created a list of #FollowFriday people on non-Twitter over on my blog. It’s great to have known …

2022-10-28: I enabled cross postong from my primary instance ( to my Mastodon instance …

2022-10-27: Periodical reminder that Freedom Scientific should Set JAWS free!

2022-10-25: Manuel got suspended on Twitter for apparently nothing… It’s a valuable lesson on the importance to …

2022-10-25: Updating all the things to all the new versions. 🍎

2022-10-23: So, no spoiler review of The Power of the Doctor: I enjoyed it.

2022-10-23: Prepping for the final Chibnall era episode of Doctor Who. This better be good! ;-)

2022-10-23: I’d like to display what type of trash is getting collected on my Inkplate 6COLOR and it seems to be …

2022-10-21: Excellent win at the Snooker Northern Ireland Open from Zhou Yuelong over David Gilbert, very tight …

2022-10-21: Icons (and graphics) on an Inkplate 6COLOR One of the more complicated things was how to show icons on the Inkplate 6COLOR. Now, generally it …

2022-10-20: Super happy about a new song from Peter Fox. Fourteen years after the last album, it’s really nice …

2022-10-18: PSA: Both, the Saturn V rocket (which I have and is delightful) and the International Space Station …

2022-10-18: So, did I just draft a blog post about my WCAG 2 worries? Yes. Is it likely that I won’t publish it …

2022-10-17: Me: “Oh, this looks like a nice cycling route.” Website: “Put me on your list to cycle here!” Me: …

2022-10-17: Don’t remove content from the web, especially if it was published less than a year ago. People (me!) …

2022-10-16: I often think how fit the bike people on YouTube must be that they manage to go many more kilometers …

2022-10-16: Very good Snooker action from Northern Ireland Open so far. Final frame from Judd Trump was superb, …

2022-10-15: This was really fun. Tom Scott tried to land a 737 (in a simulator) with and without autopilot.

2022-10-14: A Day in the Life: My initial plan was to do a bike ride and find a nice picture there, but weather …

2022-10-14: Don’t forget to add “Image Descriptions” for your “Day In the Life 2022” photos! Let’s make this …

2022-10-13: Wow, turns out accessing calendars to display on one’s e-ink display is not that easy… Probably have …

2022-10-13: Android’s Share Sheet How is anybody able to use Android directly? Their accessibility scanner creates a zip file which …

2022-10-13: Inkplate 6COLOR on macOS How I got my Inkplate 6COLOR running on macOS: Install Python 3. (I already had that, you can check …

2022-10-13: First result experimenting with my Inkplate 6COLOR I mentioned earlier. It displays the value of our …

2022-10-12: Playing around with the Inkplate 6COLOR from Soldered and I’m very impressed. The build quality is …

2022-10-11: Look how Mandip and Jodie are holding hands on the red carpet here: Source: Doctor Who on Twitter

2022-10-11: Germany, 7-day incidence on October 10th: 2020: 30.1 2021: 69.8 2022: 788.3 The pandemic is worse …

2022-10-11: I’m a big fan of the comics of – in German: Was tun? islieb? …

2022-10-11: This “Drunk History” on the Section 504 disability rights protests is amazing. Really well done. 🦾

2022-10-11: Throwback Tuesday to the time at a Conference in Denver/Colorado in 2016 where you could see the …

2022-10-10: Anna E. Cook producing the good memes! See the Overlay Fact Sheet for more information.

2022-10-10: ‘It Felt Like a Funeral’ — William Shatner on his feelings when he was on that Blue OrIgin space …

2022-10-09: Snooker Hong Kong Masters 2022 Awesome Hong Kong Masters final between Ronnie O’Sullivan and Marco Fu. Ronnie getting into a …

2022-10-09: Ordered something at an online pharmacy a week ago. In the meantime, I got three promotional emails …

2022-10-08: I’m really looking forward to the next episode of Doctor Who! October 23! New trailer today:

2022-10-07: Trying to mention on his Mastodon instance. Will it work?

2022-10-06: I hope to take part! A bunch of people have signed up for next week’s Day in the Life photo …

2022-10-04: I got my Inkplate 6 Color today and have been trying to set it up. Looks like there is …

2022-10-03: Aaron Gustafson has a call for mentorship on his blog. He’s one of the people where you can really …

2022-10-03: It’s German Reunification Day, a public holiday. 🚴🏻‍♂️ I went for a bike ride and because I live …

2022-10-01: Modern TV cable management sucks! I guess I need a diagram and optimize cable routes. Such a first …

2022-10-01: Kinda weird day. Did some home stuff including hanging the two letterpress prints from Cameron Moll …

2022-09-29: Accessibility has an intersectionality problem. We must do better. 🦾

2022-09-28: 🚴 Since taking up e-cycling, I have seen a lot of nice places in this area. One example is this …

2022-09-28: 👋 Hi! Long time no see.

2021-02-15: A court in Germany has ruled against the use of dark patterns in tracking consent banners: …

2021-02-15: Handling a winter storm Some words of advice I just shared to my colleagues in Austin who have a winter storm they don’t …

2021-02-12: Working with US colleagues from Europe: They: “Oh, I woke up and many todos are already done, how …

2021-01-29: About to prepare a 4 hour accessibility crash course for the #cos20 students. Anyone had a great …

2021-01-29: TIL: ⨉ is the n-ary times operator (and will be announced like that by screen readers) — what I …

2021-01-28: A client asked yesterday about how to label a TinyMCE text field so that it meets WACG 2.0/2.1. I …

2021-01-21: Utterly failed to dooomscroll this morning. Guess I need to change my routines now. Thanks …

2021-01-17: Calculated how long we’re self-isolating, just out of curiousity, and we have not left the house for …

2021-01-15: In good tradition of forgetting anniversaries, @ScreenOrigami and I forgot that we founded outline …

2021-01-15: Me: “Please add empty alt attributes to the remaining images that are decorative.” They: “Here, we …

2021-01-11: Why do people keep putting <button> elements inside of <a> elements? Such an easy to …

2021-01-11: I have published a new video on my YouTube channel: Three quick tips to achieve your 2021 …

2021-01-03: How do people share their Letterboxd reviews to here? Is there an RSS feed somewhere?

2021-01-02: With two posts on my (main) blog in 2021, I’m already at 40% of last year‘s output.

2021-01-01: Happy New Year! 🎇 Fun fact (because watching old German pop music on TV is tradition here): In 70s …

2020-12-29: I started to work my way through Apple’s SwiftUI Tutorial. Not that I plan to do anything concrete …

2020-12-28: I think it would be great for discovery if the /following pages had information from the about box. …

2020-12-21: Enjoyed this post from @colly pointing out what makes personal websites great and why there is a …

2020-12-19: Especially if you’re not used to work from home: Take time off. Like off-off. If you’re staying in …

2020-12-18: Me: “Hey internet, how do I do X in PHP.” The internet: “Here’s how to do it in Python.” Me: “Haha, …

2020-12-14: A few Google alternatives: Search: DuckDuckGo Mail: Maps: DuckDuckGo Maps …

2020-12-13: I generally like the venue in Milton Keynes for #Snooker, but darn that ongoing hum is headache …

2020-12-13: Really looking forward to the Selby/O’Sullivan #Snooker Scottish Open final today (2pm/8pm Central …

2020-12-09: I learned something today: console.log does not work in PHP – as I had expected. console.log does …

2020-12-07: Of course, the one time I need an IE11/Win8 virtualization, it is broken beyond repair. And back to …

2020-12-07: What an intense #snooker UK Championship final. Super close all the way! 🎱

2020-12-06: Super tense first frame of the evening session in the UK Championship & I was messing around …

2020-12-06: Hi @Burk, can I suggest 🦾 for an “Accessibility” tagmoji? 😃 I would love to foster the #a11y …

2020-12-06: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Started watching The Clone Wars, the animated Star Wars series that tells an extended story during …

2020-11-30: Happy Blue Beanie Day! I just released a new video for this occasion:… #bbd20 …

2020-11-28: I took the Black Friday offer and completed my library of @thesweetsetup courses. I was only …

2020-11-22: Amazing Northern Ireland Open final between Judd Trump and Ronnie O‘Sullivan. The former needs only …

2020-11-21: So, what is everyone doing with their NFC stickers? 😉

2020-11-21: It’s not nearly winter here, but it is finally a nice crisp fall. Two days ago or so, I saw the moon …

2020-11-19: Okay, #a11y peeps. Is it really a problem to have an <aside> inside of the <main> …

2020-11-16: I just accidentally wrote: “I’m in meetings for the rest of the days.” Feels awfully correct…

2020-11-15: I really like these video experiments! The night mode stuff is super creative.

2020-11-13: Updated to macOS Big Sur and it feels OK. Nothing seems too broken :-)

2020-11-13: PSA: In W3C a Note is recommending something. For example the ARIA Practices document is a note and …

2020-11-12: These days, a lot of the time I spend is telling people how to interpret accessibility testing tool …

2020-11-10: I didn’t think that my first mention in English Wikipedia would be under a “Controversy” heading, …

2020-11-10: Really like @tomscott’s unabashed insistence on youtubers providing subtitles/captions in his latest …

2020-11-09: My brain is going hard into data crunching mode while sleeping in the last two days. It is almost as …

2020-11-07: I blogged about upgrading the Node.js version on the Raspberry Pi Zero (ARMv6) on the non-micro …

2020-11-07: FINALLY! #Election2020

2020-11-07: Apparently this weekend is a Raspberry Pi & Homebridge update kind of weekend. That’s fun! Turns …

2020-11-07: Tried out some photos using the ultra wide camera and night mode on my new iPhone 12 Pro today. …

2020-11-07: Revived my account to have a public but smaller place to post than Twitter. I need …

2020-11-06: Viva La Victouria (Live) One of the last live concerts before Corona was Eclipse, a terrific live band. Today, they released …

2020-11-06: Misty, sunny morning over the Ruhr river valley.

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