This was my submission for axe-con 2024 which unfortunately did not make it to the conference. Let me know if the topic would be interesting for you and you would like to hear more about the topic!

  • Title: Enough with the baby steps! Let’s make accessibility leaps.

  • Outline: So much of our work is based on nudging people into the right direction. Applying a little pressure that makes a change but is not disruptive. This needs to change. This talk showcases steps that we can take that make instant notable differences for disabled people using websites and apps by using policy changes that are strong and disruptive once, instead of continuous glacially slow progress.

  • Additional Information: I don’t expect this to be the most technical talk, but it might be most suitable for people who lead teams or companies, hence I selected intermediate. The talk’s goal is to shake people awake and show how gradually improving accessibility is often not the best way to spend their effort.

(Slightly edited for grammar.)