@s_wilcox No, that’s basically it, but I wonder if there is a need to have different alternative texts for the thumbnail and the large photo. Maybe “complete alternative text (Thumbnail)” for the thumbnail image is good because that saves screen reader users a click – while also indicating that a …

@jensgro @bastianallgeier @gerritvanaaken Ja, das ist alles deutlich komplexer weil es eben auch die Realität abbildet – ein bisschen mehr Abstraktion wär erfreulich 😀 Ich finde ja das Diagram hier sagt alles 😉 html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage...

@jamesthomson Fif-D4? 😮

@hdv I’m just reviewing a very complicated project and everything is in a custom element, it is hell to do a code review. 😩

@bastianallgeier Especially as sports is supposed to be a fun part of school, right? It was always weird when teachers would punish the whole class for bad behavior of others with the idea that “oh, they will sort that out as a community” wheras that was often a convenient reason to bully someone.

@lexfri Urgh :-(

@jessicahische Spaces at the beginning are just ignored by speech output as far as I can tell.

@juliemoynat Thanks for your message about the accessibility issues on my micro.blog – I’m aware and I hope to have some time to fix it soon. Note: micro.blog has (on purpose) no direct messages, but I got your DM as an email, hence this public reply.

@dmoren I bought the same screen when I saw it in Jason’s post. So much fun! Of course I’d like to display more stuff on it, so I got into JSON parsing and shenanigans. 😂

@dazego Overlays in this context are 1-line JavaScript code snippets that give users some pseudo-accessibility options and claim to shield the website from lawsuits. Which isn’t how anything works. More info:

@LFLegal Oh, lovely! I can’t even put in words how much these people annoy me.

@RaulKrauthausen Yup!

@jbigham “Our first focus is to let everyone in. Apart from disabled people!” 😩 It would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic and illegal.

@digiom Unsere alte Raidgruppe hatte teens bis 60+, aber definitiv hauptsächlich in einem ähnlichen Bereich. Kein Problem mit den Geschenken, ich spiel gar nicht so hardcore 😂

@help @sod Thanks. No worries, I thought it was a curiosity and I like to bring it up early before there are more issues. 👍🏼 Keep up the good work!

@heinz Sind das die reellen CO2-Zahlen oder wird da Waldverbrennung noch als Klimaneutral berechnet?

@AmeliaBR @moiety But the community is named Micro.blog, not Note. 🤷🏼‍♂️ It’s a specific thing for micro.blog users.

@annaecook Take care.

@moiety A community activity on micro.blog: challenges.micro.blog/2022/10/3...

@koalie I mean, I’m happy for you and I picked where I live 😂 But yes, cold and damp is pretty much what my weather station says: https://weathermap.netatmo.com//?zoom=5&type=temp&param=Filter&stationid=70%3Aee%3A50%3A74%3A4e%3Aa6&maplayer=Map&lang=en-US 😂

@aleen Toot-A-Riffic…

@ThatChipGuy Hi Chip! The Two-minute Time Lord podcast is always a delight. Looking forward to the relaunch. Keep up the good work.

@rom The website seems to hint at no family sharing (only same Apple ID): Optional Pro subscription supports multiple devices. With a single subscription, access Pro features on all of your iPhones, iPads and Macs that use the same Apple ID

@koalie You’re making me envious, I think the bike season is pretty much over here. 🥶

@aleen @ultranurd If I understood correctly, the Hue Bridge gets a Matter update early next year and that should improve integration a lot. I use it through Homebridge and that works well enough for the shout-at-cylinder use case. But I’ll be happy when I don’t need that anymore.

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