@vincent Maga seems to work OK. I’m just mainly using iCloud and it’s been rock solid for my needs.

@hdv 😍😍😍

@SteveFaulkner That’s appalling.

@ines I think it is just a cached profile, for example people of Mastodon have a micro.blog page in their username if someone follows them: micro.blog/donmelton... It’s a little confusing.

@help Any idea what is going on with this account here: https://micro.blog/fed.brid.gy It seems to just parrot @matthiasott@mastodon.social. I guess there is an issue with Bridgy that I don’t understand.

@matthiasott Here’s the activity pub support for micro.blog. You can do so much or so little based on the protocol. help.micro.blog/t/activit...

@matthiasott I’m not, because I don’t have them :-)

@beep @matthiasott Yeah, it is one reason why I like staying on micro.blog. The DM system is just not separated enough and visually obvious. Generally, Mastodon has darn too many options. I just want a text field and some markdown supprt! 😂

@ines Yes, it is the same network. You can follow Mastodon accounts on pixelfed and follow pixelfed accounts on Mastodon. And you can follow both on micro.blog. Isn’t that mind-blowing? 🤯

@yellowled That is a fun fact!

@mauricerenck @bastianallgeier #NotAPodcast

@matuzo @yellowled There is Sportfreunde Stiller before “54, 74, 90, 2010“ and post “54, 74, 90, 2010“. And it is the same band. 😂

@matuzo 🕺🏻

@heinz Ich hab gestern über das Phnomen gebloggt, dass man ja die “Sorgen und Ängste der Menschen ernst nehmen müsse”, aber halt nur, wenn es halt auch einen selbst betrifft… micro.yatil.net/2022/11/2...

@SteveFaulkner Aren’t all these chat buttons and their associated chats that exist at the same time as the content of the page non-modal dialogs? Feels like a very common pattern to me these days.

@ericwbailey @matuzo Middle of the pack. On good days. 😂

@Miraz @rickcogley @canion @jean OMG this is a written version of Pants in the Boot, a podcast hosted by @glennf (and with @jean as a regular guest)

@jessegrosjean It looks like you posted this public accidentally. 😅

@ScriptoriumGirl I feel ya and you got this!

@craiggrannell @mattgemmell apple Maps is on DuckDuckGo, but it is hidden. You have to search for a place and then click on “Maps”. From there you can pretty much use an online version. I really wished Apple would provide these sevices directly. …

@dmoren When they go high, we go Lowe.

@aardrian @crystal @todd @karlgroves At least it looks like this is not claiming to fix accessibility issues but just to give users some options. PageCorrect feels like a Axe type of linter that helps to find issues when you're on the page, but it is low on details. So I don’t think it's …

@todd Super WCAG-nit-picky here you need to test what it does at 320px viewport width to determine 1.4.10 failure (or 1280 at 400% zoom). WCAG says only that “a mechanism” needs to be provided and I have seen overlays break the layout but regular responsive layout working. So in that case there is …

@jwildeboer But it says there is still an open lawsuit on 3b. It doesn’t specify which one. Again, I don’t care. I am not a lawyer but this seems super non-outrageous to me. 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️

@tom I agree. The base idea was: “How do we tell the story of how the rebellion came together?” And then they looked at who would be good protagonists.

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