@christiane Yeah, it is the worse type of “compromise”. Consensus-based decision making is just bad.

@ericwbailey Same.

@vincent FYI using “spastic” this way is not a good use of the term as it basically equals people who have spasms with a negative situation.

@RaulKrauthausen Vielleicht „Prä-Hinderte“? 😂

@digiom Aber wenn du deinen Arm im Duell nicht verlierst hast du natürlich eine Duellschuld und wirst deinen Arm irgendwann trotzdem verlieren. Das ist einfache Quer-Mathe. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

@gdp Ah, yes! Those services really want to pressure people into paying, and often for useless “automatic fixes”. 😩

@glennf A seven minute train transfer is an eternity. Five should get you through most train station at a leisurely pace. It helps when you note where the nearest steps are when getting in the station and when you have the new platform number memorized. It makes navigating much easier and also helps …

@gdp Huh, mind sharing the site you used? As an accessibility professional myself I want to make sure that we have an eye on the black sheep in the market. Wave and Axe are good automatic checkers. (Feel free to email if you don’t want it publicly: mail@yatil.net)

@lex It’s probably one person working through those replies. Maybe a janitor or someone…

@accessiblestef Jeff’s people page is also in the past: “Dr. Jeff Jaffe was Chief Executive Officer of the World Wide Web Consortium from March 2010 till November 2022.” Very mysterious. I, too, hope Jeff is OK.

@accessiblestef @karlgroves You mean overlayfarts.com?

@besenwagen I really like Wilco, and I think that removing 4.1.1 will be a significant change (but also a chance for WCAG get better). Lots of companies have changed from being education/service providers to tool providers and I think that shows in some discussions.

@blindscribe Awesome! @instantiator I don’t have the capacity for other projects at the moment, even small ones. (I’m working through lingering burnout.)

@aardrian Chef’s kiss! I think I’ll try to use Scarf-T-F instead of WTF now. 😂

@Miraz Fingers crossed! I mean it did get shipped internationally, so a return shipment should be somehow possible, right?

@hdv WORD!

@Miraz Are the batteries over 20Wh? That sounds like a lot. The AirPod Pro batteries have 0.15Wh each, plus the case. I didn’t find a measurement about that, but I doubt it is more than 20Wh. At least might be good to check.

@matthiasott 👍🏼

@CowBear 😍 I can’t stress how happy it makes me that you and your creations are here after Twitter. Always nice to see them!

@Aaron WTF is wrong with those people?

@Aaron Hope you get great applicants! Such an awesome opportunity!

@andy Yay!

@glennf 😂

@Erika @JanHegenberg Wir habe uns Sitzheitzungen von Stoov gekauft. Im home-office perfekt, gerade wenn man nicht das ganze Zimmer heiß haben will (ich vertrage das ganz schlecht mit meiner Haut.) Die haben auch Wärme-Kissen (die toll beim Fernsehen sind z.B.) und e-Wärmflaschen wobei ich die nicht …

@joesteel ✅ Scenic route (Apple Maps not relizing that in Paris, basically ever street is a scenic route.)

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