@beep There is a lot of grief involved in Twitter going away. I mean, I met my life partner there. I got to know a lot of people through it, made some friends (and enemies šŸ˜‰). Itā€™s tough.

@codepo8 Wow, Iā€™ve been to a few of these massive conferences and for me the usefulness diminished with the number of parallel sessions. Also paying all these speakers must be expensive. šŸ˜³

@manton TIL! That feature could use a bit more discovery.

@ernst_michalek Erstens sind Demonstrationen natĆ¼rlich Politik, nur halt basisdemokratische statt parlamentarische. Deshalb sind Demonstrationen ja ein Grundrecht. Zweitens schlieƟt das eine ja das andere nicht aus. Politiker kƶnnen demonstrieren und Demonstranten kƶnnen anderweitig auch zusƤtzlich ā€¦

@sod Nice use of :has! Unfortunately depending on how many people you follow that probably gives you only a couple entries per page. But in a pinch, itā€™s a good option. šŸ™‚

@meta_physik Ja, durch effektive Regulierungen, die ErderwƤrmung stoppen, wie es Wissenschaftler und die UNO vorschlagen.

@bastianallgeier CliMIT license?

@petervangrieken I do not have Content Warnings on micro.blog and politics is something I care about. So I would suggest muting/unfollowing me. That is totally fine.

@accessiblestef im@pouet.it That would be kramdown: kramdown.gettalong.org tho I did do a few extensions with Jekyll snippets back in the day. If I use PHP, I usually use Markdown Extra.

@help Can you tell me what I do wrong with the GitHub backup option here on Micro.blog? Two weeks ago I re-created the yatil/microblog repository and re-authenticated with GitHub. I tried microblog in the past for the rep. name on the settings page but now tried yatil/microblog.

@matuzo Micro.blog doesnā€™t even have those features, I have no idea if anyone is following me. Feels pretty good! šŸ˜€

@RaulKrauthausen Weil es eine einfache populistische Position ist, die ganz diametral gegen ā€ždie anderenā€œ steht. Da kann man sich gut mit abgrenzen.

@BenSouthwood @manton Agreed! Equal footing but also such a simpler way of interacting. One thing that Iā€™d like to have is a page that sets some expectations for people using Mastodon: Donā€™t expect boosts or stars from them ā€“ they donā€™t exist over here. Content Warnings are not available at ā€¦

@jean Exactly. And Iā€™m not really disciplined enough to take care of two timelines šŸ˜…

@RaulKrauthausen Du kannst auf deren Server auf Follow clicken und dein eigenes Handle eingeben. DafĆ¼r wĆ¼rde ich mir einen Keyboard-Shortcut anlegen.

@pratik @kaa 1. Mastodon users can follow you by using @kaa as your handle. It will contain all your posts for them. 2. You can follow Mastodon users by entering their username in the discover search. Their posts will be in your timeline.

@mgifford Well, we didnā€™t know that 4 years ago! (Also :wave: from micro.blog instead of Mastodon. ActivityPub is magical.)

@citybeautiful I studied in Vienna, coming from a small German town and my mind was blown. Such a good infrastructure. It would be too much for me now, but it was great for the few years I lived there. Moved to a ā€œmedium centerā€ as they call it here in Germany. A small 8.5k pop city with walkable ā€¦

@vincent Ooooo! I hadn't seen this when I just posted this: micro.yatil.net/2022/11/1...

@drdrang FWIW, I use micro.blogā€™s cross-posting functionality to do that and it works perfectly. (But I understand not wanting to use another service.)

@wilco Awwwww!

@zucker Da ist die Markdown-UnterstĆ¼tzung hier auf micro.blog wohl dazwischengegrƤtscht :-o @roblen

@getkirby Aww, nothing better than people who donā€™t know the difference between FOSS and Open Source to say ā€œThis is not how Open Source worksā€ā€¦ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

@Luca Fair :-)

@Luca Isnā€™t that the same thing?

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