@bastianallgeier In that case NetNewsWire should be a good stepping-on point. And feeds are easily portable. Export an OPML file from one app/service and import it in the next.

@bastianallgeier What sealed the deal for me with Feedbin is the newsletter and Twitter integration. I have a few accounts I don’t want to miss and I put them into Feedbin. Question is how long this is a use case now that people go to services that have native RSS feeds.

@bastianallgeier I flip-flop between Reeder and Fiery Feeds on top of the indispensible Feedbin service.

@balduraan Aber die Regelsätze werden doch automatisch angepasst: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rege...ätze

@RaulKrauthausen Der Regelbedarf wird doch aber weiterhin an die Inflation angepasst, das ist ja gesetzlich so geregelt. Ich hab das hier mal durchgerechnet und die Anpassung zwischen 2005 und 2022 sind insgesamt 30,1% gewesen, bei einer Inflation von 28,5% im gleichen Zeitraum. Die Inflation für …

@susannelilith Ist ne super Idee, dann können wir gleich reiche Firmen direkt über Gesetze abstimmen lassen und uns nicht mit diesen unnötigen Wahlen herumschlagen. Diese Wahlen sind übrigens auch die Leistungsüberprüfung.

@metageeky Yes. And it is often used as an argument against making it clearer in writing as the “original intent” might have been different.

@SteveFaulkner @heydon I need this!

@pratik I’m not watching, so no idea 🤷‍♂️

@digiom Bei meinen beiden Abibällen hatte ich schwarze Jeans und ein billiges C&A-Sakko an. Mehr war auch gar nicht drin (und hätte ich auch nicht gewollt) als Arbeiterkind.

@glennf Ja/Nein/Zwei Bier should get you through most social situations. Just cycle through them and you’ll be fine. 😂

@marco @Thalestria Der Rewe hier im kleinen Städtchen hat rund ums Jahr Regenbogenflaggen gehisst. Alles sehr sympatisch.

@Burk @vincent Wow, that’s really surprising. I bought several times from them over the last few years and everything was always really good. That said, that was always podcaste merch and when I ordered my own design, I thought it was of slightly lesser quality. 😟

@gdp It’s certainly a slower-paced show. For me it picked up in about mid-episode 3. But you gonna need to love the slow burn.

@ericwbailey I mean… fair 😄

@seb_ly Wow!

@rom iklout.social ⸻ Sorry!

@sil That looks differently for me, basically dictation is its own section and then I have English and German settings. Your screenshot looks like it only applies to English, and maybe it keeps the icon for consistency if it is enabled in another language? share.cleanshot.com/fMb0iUzAI... /cc …

@jack @sam @emily @katymontgomerie I have stopped running a mastodon instance a few years ago. I’m now on micro.blog with the same username/alias 😀

@manton It’s OK, these are unprecedented times. Thanks for all you + team do!

@matuzo I kinda like email, especially the configuration options. I hope my email client will tap into Focus modes eventually, that would be nice to deparate work-work from personal-work.

@ada Urgh. So sorry. (And that is why I self-isolate still. Can’t trust anyone. It’s maddening.)

@whalecoiner @Halle As a German, the phrase “good salon/barber haircut” does not compute.

@gears Nice! I’ll put it on my list :-)

@ScreenOrigami @gipfelglueck Das ist hier wie früher! 😂😂😂

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