@pratik Exactly. To follow someone on mastodon, go to the Discover tab and enter their mastodon username (@username@example.com) as a search phrase. Micro.blog is then making the connection and you can follow them. Posts show up on your timeline like if they are on micro.blog and you can interact …

@pratik The Mastodon people can follow your blog on micro.blog by entering your fediverse username @pratik in their search. They then have your posts automatically in their feed and can interact with it. You don’t need to do anything.

@patrickrhone Thanks for writing this. 💙

@roblen 😜

@roblen Ja, es scheint als ob man über micro.blog antworten kann aber nicht wirklich eine Konversation starten. Das ist für mich aber OK :-D

@roblen Ja. Zum Glück sind die Medikamente nicht super-kritisch, nur für die Hausapotheke.

@Burk 👀

@roblen LOL!

@mangochutney It’s so good!

@jwildeboer  7-Tage-Inzidenz pro 100.00 Einwohner deutschlandweit 07.10.2020 → 23,7 07.10.2021 → 67,7 07.10.2022 → 636,4 Voll vorbei, diese Pandemie!

@danielpunkass I did look at the RAD bikes as well during my bike search. In the end I got a Giant brand bike and I’m very happy. Especially I think for my use cases a city bike would have been the wrong choice as it’s very hilly here and sometimes rough terrain.

@timapple I usually use 🌱 or Ⓥ.

@ChrisJWilson Is the Apple’s Battery Replacement service available in Poland? It seems cheaper than most people expect and if the other features of the phone are still sufficient, it might be a good option.

@jean I’ve re-discovered biking after getting an e-bike in the spring. Rode 250km over the summer. It’s awesome! yatil.net/blog/i-wa...

@decarbonization Yeah, I think so, too. I have to say that I’m a bit envious of all the extension possibilities – impossible on my Mac of course. (But I can’t let go of macOS!)

@ChrisJWilson @jean “Low-Power Users” 😜

@decarbonization Sounds awesome. We picked the lower config as the price increase was a bit steep and she’s mostly in a text editor. So processor power is not really a concern.

@decarbonization Thanks to your microblog, we just pre-ordered one for my significant other who is a Ubuntu user and hence was on the look out for something that would fit her needs (not much processing power but high data storage). It might be a perfect fit! (But we did opt to get it assembled 😂)

@jack I did the same after coming back. Also allows to better “curate” different channels.

@jean It’s perfect!

@n6doug Hello! I re-joined/became active again after Focused!

@patrickrhone Happy birthday!

@pratik For me those devices fall into the uncanny valley. I have an e-reader so I’m not distracted by anything outside of the book that I try to read. For drawing/annotating, the iPad+Pencil seems a superior combination with color and the app infrastructure. Some people will probably love it, but …

@jean Sounds fun!

@rosemaryorchard Neat! I probably shoud build a shortcut for me when I go cycling. (But I opted for an 8 from the 4, I’m not that heavy of a Watch user.)

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