@mjdescy I think they already have (lightning) charging stations, so that shouldn’t be a problem. That said, it is a weird transitional iPad and I hope they can get the parts prices down to have the Apple Pencil 2 on the low-end iPad at some point in a year or two.

@Miraz I have ,furl (front url), ,fti (front title), ,fmd (front markdown) as well as ,2url (2nd window url), ,2ti (2nd window title), ,2md (2nd window markdown) set as shortcuts in Keyboard Maestro. I often use the URL from one window in the other. It’s a neat party trick and honestly makes me …

@mjdescy I mean, putting inductive charging in the iPad and requiring schools to purchase new pencils in addition to iPads and keep track of which pencil works with which iPad is also a bad situation. There is no winning there :-)

@islieb Fair.

@ChrisJWilson It’s listed as a display feature.

@ChrisJWilson I guess detecting proximity means that you have to have proximity detecting hardware in the iPads…

@tom … self-care!

@tom I’m sorry to hear that. Being a Who fan is weird right now.

@BMauschen Kein solcher Hintergrund. Ich habe seit Januar keinen solchen Raum mehr aufgesucht (außer mal was bei DM abgeholt). Die Coronazahlen sind nie in einen Bereich gefallen wo ich mich mit anderen Menschen wohlgefühlt hätte, selbst mit Maske.

@odd How annoying. We have generally very wide latitude as renters her in Germany, as long as it is not doing permanent damage to the apartment, you can do almost anything. That said, let’s see how useful those sensors are in practice anyway 😃

@odd oh, we’re renting, too. I attached them with a holder held by cable ties, so easily reversible when we move out (in 10+ years if previous flats are an indication😅)

@odd I just installed the wind and rain gauges for my Netatmo station on the balcony today and recognized the Netatmo widget in your screenshot. My sleep focus home & lock screens are currently a mess… 😅

@odd can you make sure that you have selected the correct action menu above the keyboard (the most left button)? That was a hiccup for me…

@joelhamill I haven’t gone into genre builds yet, mostly space and tech. But this is a newish hobby for me (we didn’t have space in our old appartment), so I want to space it out a bit 😂

@joelhamill I built it earlier this year. Together with the Space Shuttle Discovery my favorite lego set (tho Starry Night and NES were also fun).

@maique HAHAHA! Well done!

@islieb Einhornfische sind die Hummeln des Herbstes!

@tom That was a great episode!

@help Thanks! That makes some sense. Could you add an error message, maybe with a link to some kind of explanation? I think it should at least not fail silently 😅

@pcora @Miraz @jean I like time.is for these use cases (tho they really should show your local time larger than the source time: time.is/1200_13_Oct_2022_in_Austin

@odd @jean Perfect! islieb has also an English feed, by the way at @heyokyay@mastodon.social.

@odd Ruthe is very good! I like his stuff.

@help Thanks! You rock!

@help @manton Why is there no alternative text on the images coming in from Mastodon? https://mastodon.social/web/@islieb/109150825454227591 has elaborate alternative text. The same post at https://micro.blog/islieb@mastodon.social has no alternative text. It would be great (or rather essential) …

@help Posts for @hidde.blog are downloading for many hours now. I wonder if it is stuck somewhere…

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