@spellacy Micro.blog is very flexible in that regard. šŸ™‚

@Kilian I donā€™t, but I micro.blog! šŸ˜‰

@gregmoore @spgreenhalgh This is the best format. Other formats are often hard to follow or to keep engaged. I would also encourage short recorded presentation. An in-person 45 minute slot can be condensed into a snappy 20-ish minute video. Also, instead of doing six hours for two days, consider ā€¦

@Pilchuck I feel that my ā€œnotesā€ would go into my macro blog insteadā€¦

@SaraSoueidan I wished they would start with that and then analyze how Bootstrap is doing it. Then again, with grid and flex everything is SO easy! šŸ˜‚

@estelle Hello! :-)

@roblen Vier-Tage-Woche ist toll. Ich mach meistens nix šŸ˜‚

@roblen So ein quatsch. NatĆ¼rlich mĆ¼sste man die entsprechenden GrundbucheintrƤge wie immer im realen Leben vornehmen, auch in den USA. Und in 2 Monaten hƶren wir dann davon, dass jemand den ā€smart contractā€ gehackt hat und jetzt das Haus besitzt. Ich hab aufgehƶrt die T3N zu lesen, seit die diesen ā€¦

@manton That said, inflation is a thing and its most important that micro.blog stays sustainable. (Also this might be a good opportunity to promote those yearly aubscriptions more šŸ˜‰)

@roblen Ja, fĆ¼r so manche Blogs ist es sicher nĆ¼tzlich.

@odd I think that is the most likely way for Apple to make a foldable. No crease, just a good hinge (which they always have on their laptops). Clear differentiation, maybe make the second screen snap/on or possible to use it as the keyboard.

@tom In this case, it made some senseā€¦ But I agree.

@AndyNicolaides Agenda and NotePlan missing? šŸ«£

@eay Congratulations.

@roblen Dann folge ich dir hier auch mal šŸ˜ƒ

@dirkprimbs @roblen Ist halt schade, dass es fĆ¼r das Familienpaket kein Jahresabo gibt. Wir sind zu zweit und sobald das Familienabo teurer ist als zwei einzelne Jahresabos, dann machen wir halt das. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

@roblen Ich finde es ja jetzt schon an der Schmerzgrenze. Auf der anderen Seite gucke ich auch viele YouTube videos weil es so viel Varianz gibt. Curiosity Stream und Nebula kosten zusammen $15 pro Jahr und letzteres hat einige ā€žmeinerā€ YouTuberā€¦

@mjdescy itā€™s always baffling how complicated it is to send & receive money in the US. Here, in Europe, you can make a deposit to another account using their number in seconds and basically for free. Cheques were already barely in use when I was a child in the 80s and swiftly replaced by ā€¦

@ericwbailey Butā€¦ There must be an absolute answer on how we do everything!! (Also web semantics are a very squishy and limited.)

@mangochutney ICE fahren ist einfach super.

@mjdescy I guess it is kind of a slow tech news month? To me the updates look fine. I bought a 9th generation iPad earlier this year for a specific use case and it is fine. For the everyday iPad Pro from 2018, Iā€™m probably OK to keep it for another two or three years. Most people are on super slow ā€¦

@jwildeboer That two booster number is so bad. šŸ˜© They should just open it for everyone now.

@mjdescy If the text on the slide is so small that line length becomes an issue, you have too much text on the slide šŸ˜‰

@ChrisJWilson oh yeah, I have no intention to update my 2018 11ā€, too. Itā€™s still plenty good enough for my use cases.

@gr36 @ChrisJWilson My theory is that Pencil 1 is used because it eases the transition for educational customers who already have Pencils and ways to charge them. And for what itā€™s worth both the lightning and the USB-C adapter now come with the Pencil in the box. I honestly think itā€™s a minor ā€¦

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