@marco Ich bin gerade froh, dass ich zum ersten Mal in fast 10 Jahren nur die europäische Zeitumstellung mitmachen muss und nicht auch noch die amerikanische.

@jwildeboer Mein Anbieter ist auch von Preiserhöhungen betroffen obwohl sie nicht an der Börse kaufen: Diese Preise werden an den Termin- und Spotmärkten der Energiebörsen gebildet. Ob sie steigen oder fallen, hängt vor allen Dingen von den Preisen für Gas, Öl und Kohle ab – denn die Energiemärkte …

@broomwagon The “fun” thing is that even I would not dare to write a tooltip article. For me, the complexity of the WCAG SC makes it so complicated that it isn’t a good use of my time. Sure, it’s doable, but I don’t want to explain that mess ever. 😂

@jean Especially the last couple of seconds, when the sun appears squished on the horizon.

@seb_ly 🤩

@jean I miss Pacific sunsets. When we were last in California in March 2020 we changed our week-long stay from San Diego’s Ocean Beach (where the beach would have been closed due to Covid) to another week of hiking in Anza Borrego. Which was certainly the correct thing to do, but those sunsets!

@hdv I was wondering – it certainly looks like most people take the number of tweets and then pick one that matches and share that. (Which is the oldest magic trick in the world.) But that nothing was matching even remotely is super funny!

@hdv Hello!

@bovelett It’s the worst. 😩 Some people also don’t understand that a quote is a starting point and it sometimes just takes some time to figure out what the real needs and the available budgets are.

@blindscribe No problem, it’s a deliberate limitation on this side of the Fediverse. And to be honest I’m glad that I now know what happens if someone tries to DM me. I’ll add your instance recommendation, too!

@hdv OHAI!

@blindscribe I just added you to the list 🙂 (I can receive but not answer DMs through my micro.blog account.)

@jwildeboer Cool stuff. I wished we could do that here, but we don’t have an outlet outside, so getting the electricity inside is probably a problem. I just wished landlords/ladies would be more proactive (or “encouraged” to be proactive) installing solar. With the amount of sun here, the house …

@matuzo 👋

@marcus Isn’t it nice? 😃


@freshmango Moin!

@jean @mariovillalobos @samproof @manton I do like the emojitags idea, but I always forget about them and knowing which emoji go into which category can be tricky. Maybe there is a way to show them more prominently when creating a post?

@jmswisher 👋

@annaecook 👋

@ericwbailey 👋

@roblen Letztlich bleiben die Leute, wenn sie die Leute hier finden, die sie kennen und wenn Aktivität im Feed ist. Alles andere ist sekundär.

@roblen Als ich vorhin die Liste für mein Blog zusammengestellt habe hat es mehrmals gehakt auf mastodon.social. Ein gutes Zeichen 😀

@koalie Beautiful!

@aardrian You gotta have them, right! But it feels that quite a lot of webflation is going on, so I guess we will be there pretty soon.

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