@vincent Ah, cool. No biggie. It’s fun to see these edge cases with activity pub especially. (But of course it is more fun if you are not responsible fixing them 😂)

@stephenfry Basically like Twitter. Home is your home time line. You easiest follow people by pasting their username into the search under “Explore” and then hitting the small icon with the +. Replies are Replies, “Retweets” are called “Boosts”, “Likes” are “Stars”.

@vincent It doesn’t show for me, neither logged-in or logged-out. Screenshot: share.cleanshot.com/OAoKqm8AE...

@topf Luckily I have a separate office now, so the only people I need to care about are the ones who have remove meetings with me. That’s why I lean to the brown switches.

@benjohnson That’s not to bad. ⸻ I’m also not a fast typist, so I guess getting “up to speed” isn’t a big challenge. 🤣

@tom 7.34

I assume there will be quite some getting used to it, but that’s fine. I’m mostly interested in the linear key arrangement and that it is split, meaning I can basically have both halves wider apart.

@SteveFaulkner If this resolves in my interpretation after I’ve abandoned it, I’ll have to buy everyone who kept commenting a beer or other beverage when we meet next time.

@gwitch You’ve been added to the list :-)

@bastianallgeier Around that time there were multiple multi-day outages, too. Mastodon is much more resilient with growth, which is fascinating.

@roblen Noch einmal versuchen mit dem Herunterladen, oder mal mit einem Tool wie BetterZip.

@metageeky Yeah, it is a real concern. I actually tweeted about it last week: threadreaderapp.com/thread/15...

@brad_frost Hang in there and know that we’re thinking of you and yours.

@ericwbailey Well, at least there seems to be some movement in there. 😂

@ScreenOrigami 👋

@gary It’s so nice. Three heating levels, and if you get a spare battery, you can hotswap them.

@aardrian 😫😫😫

@mattgemmell Fascinating. The German state I lived before had .nrw (“Nordrhein-Westfahlen”) and now I looked up for the same type of domain for the state I grew up in and live now again (“Rheinland-Pfalz”) and .rlp does not exist. Sad.

@mattgemmell I love it. I didn’t even realize that .scot was a really a thing until I saw it on the mastodon instance. I think that says a lot.

@Kilian I’m happy with inwx.de for domains – not the cheapest but robust and I don’t need to think about anything :-D

@dmoren @joesteel and @glennf are on smaller instances, so I guess the verification script ran quicker there. Every instance does the verification by themself and Mastodon.social has had some serious backlog over the past week or so. The code on your website is correct and it should show up …

@hutaffe This! 💚

@hdv It’s the worst.

@iacobien I added you to the list! (I can receive but not answer direct messages through micro.blog, so answering public.)

@dmoren 🔥🔥🔥

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